
The KTV market is picking up, and the spring of copyright in the karaoke field is coming?

In order to further standardize the copyright order in the karaoke field, improve my country's copyright collective management system, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the karaoke field, in the middle of this month, the Copyright Administration of the Central Propaganda Department and the Market Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly organized the "Karaoke" in Beijing. Symposium on copyright work in the field".


The effect of each frequency band of music


Regarding how to further strengthen copyright protection, standardize collective copyright management, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the karaoke field, Yu Cike, director of the Copyright Administration of the Central Propaganda Department, proposed:


The first is to implement the Copyright Law and relevant regulations.


The second is to insist on using collective management to solve the copyright problem in the karaoke field, transform the institutional advantages of collective copyright management in my country into governance efficiency, and do a good job in the specific connection between laws and regulations and practical operations.


Third, the China Music Copyright Association and the China Audiovisual Copyright Collective Management Association should strengthen cooperation and adhere to the "two-in-one" charging model in the field of karaoke. Both parties should enhance understanding and support, improve service awareness and level, strengthen standardized management, enhance transparency, and actively cooperate with relevant stakeholders to build and improve a karaoke copyright licensing system that reflects China's national conditions and conforms to international practices.


Fourth, industry associations should strengthen cooperation with collective management organizations, and play a role in publicity and education, coordinating members, collective bargaining, promoting the legal operation of the entire industry, and cooperating with government supervision.


The effect of each frequency band of music


Fifth, related enterprises in the karaoke field should strictly abide by the provisions of the "Copyright Law" to improve the industry's awareness of operating in accordance with the law and standardize the level of operation.


Yu Cike said that the current situation in the karaoke field is hard-won and should be cherished. At the same time, it is necessary to seek truth from facts, face problems head-on, make advantages and eliminate disadvantages, and adjust and improve relevant systems and mechanisms. The National Copyright Administration and local copyright bureaus at all levels, as copyright authorities, must perform their duties from a political and regulatory perspective, continuously strengthen copyright protection in accordance with national requirements and laws and regulations, severely crack down on infringements and piracy and other illegal activities, and continuously improve the protection of copyrights. Governance capabilities in the karaoke field.